We have tracked, from National Institutes of Health, over 0 funding programs and $0 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
National Cooperative Drug/Device Discovery/Development Groups (NCDDG) for the Treatment of Mental Disorders (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 25 352

Funding Number: PAR 25 352
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Full-Scale Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trials for Mental Health Interventions (R01 - Clinical Trial Required) Apply for PAR 25 177

Funding Number: PAR 25 177
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
BRAIN Initiative: Clinical Studies to Advance Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (UH3) Apply for RFA NS 16 010

Funding Number: RFA NS 16 010
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health, Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
Early-Stage Dissemination and Implementation Research in Communication Disorders (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA DC 24 008

Funding Number: RFA DC 24 008
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $275,000
Prevention and Intervention Approaches for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 24 068

Funding Number: PAR 24 068
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $350,000
Modules for Enhancing Biomedical Research Workforce Training (R25 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 24 040

Funding Number: PAR 24 040
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $250,000
Comprehensive Alcohol-HIV/AIDS Research Center (P60 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA AA 23 004

Funding Number: RFA AA 23 004
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $1,200,000
Single Source : NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research: NeuroImaging Tools and Resources Collaboratory (R24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA EB 23 003

Funding Number: RFA EB 23 003
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Environment, Health, Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $700,000
Data Analysis and Coordination Center for the PsychENCODE Consortium (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 23 234

Funding Number: PAR 23 234
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
NIH Administrative Supplements to Recover Losses due to Hurricanes Fiona and Ian Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PA 23 134

Funding Number: PA 23 134
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Innovations to Optimize HIV Prevention and Care Continuum Outcomes (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 23 061

Funding Number: PAR 23 061
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $275,000
AD/ADRD, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Social Determinants of Health Ancillary Studies of Existing Longitudinal Cohorts (R01 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 22 221

Funding Number: PAR 22 221
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Coordinating Center for the HIV/AIDS and Substance Use Cohorts Program (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA DA 23 040

Funding Number: RFA DA 23 040
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Limited Competition: Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Clinical Research Network for Health Equity (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA MD 22 006

Funding Number: RFA MD 22 006
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
NIDCD Research Opportunities for New Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA DC 23 001

Funding Number: RFA DC 23 001
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $500,000
Developing Regulated Therapeutic and Diagnostic Solutions for Patients Affected by Opioid and/or Stimulants use Disorders (OUD/StUD) (R43/R44 - Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA DA 23 021

Funding Number: RFA DA 23 021
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cancer Control Research in Persistent Poverty Areas (U54 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA CA 22 015

Funding Number: RFA CA 22 015
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Epidemiologic Research on Emerging Risk Factors and Liver Cancer Susceptibility (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 22 084

Funding Number: PAR 22 084
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
National Centers for Metabolic Phenotyping in Live Models of Obesity and Diabetes (MPMOD) (U2C - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA DK 21 027

Funding Number: RFA DK 21 027
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Food and Nutrition, Health
Funding Amount: $425,000
A Multilevel Approach to Connecting Underrepresented Populations to Clinical Trials (CUSP2CT; U01 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for RFA CA 21 063

Funding Number: RFA CA 21 063
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: $450,000
HEAL Initiative: Advancing Health Equity in Pain Management (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Required) Apply for RFA NS 22 002

Funding Number: RFA NS 22 002
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Food and Nutrition, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Limited Competition: Coordinating Center (CC) for the Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) Consortium (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 21 346

Funding Number: PAR 21 346
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: $940,000
NICHD Small Research Grant Program (R03 Clinical Trial Required) Apply for PA 21 221

Funding Number: PA 21 221
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health, Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: $50,000
Limited Competition: Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Transition Award (R00 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 20 315

Funding Number: PAR 20 315
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Food and Nutrition, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Research to Improve Native American Health (R21 Clinical Trials Optional) Apply for PAR 20 214

Funding Number: PAR 20 214
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Environment, Health
Funding Amount: $200,000
NIMH Instrumentation Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA MH 20 555

Funding Number: RFA MH 20 555
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Limited Competition: Small Grant Program for NIDDK K01/K08/K23/K25 Recipients (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 19 365

Funding Number: PAR 19 365
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Food and Nutrition, Health
Funding Amount: $75,000
Palliative Care in Home and Community Settings (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 19 320

Funding Number: PAR 19 320
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: $200,000
National Drug Early Warning System Coordinating Center (U01 Clinical Trial Optional ) Apply for RFA DA 20 016

Funding Number: RFA DA 20 016
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: $550,000
Workshops on the Use of Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Data (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA DA 20 001

Funding Number: RFA DA 20 001
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Mechanisms of Disparities in Etiology and Outcomes of Lung Cancer in the U.S.: The Role of Risk and Protective Factors (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PAR 19 019

Funding Number: PAR 19 019
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: $200,000
Clinical and Translational Science Award (U54 Clinical Trial Optional) Apply for PAR 18 940

Funding Number: PAR 18 940
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Limited Competition for the Continuation of the Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network Tissue and Technology Core (TATC) (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA DK 18 515

Funding Number: RFA DK 18 515
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Food and Nutrition, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
BRAIN Initiative: Research Opportunities Using Invasive Neural Recording and Stimulating Technologies in the Human Brain (U01 Clinical Trial Required) Apply for RFA NS 19 001

Funding Number: RFA NS 19 001
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health, Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Stimulating T4 Implementation Research to Optimize Integration of Proven-effective Interventions for Heart, Lung, and Blood Diseases and Sleep Disorders into Practice (STIMULATE) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for RFA HL 19 014

Funding Number: RFA HL 19 014
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $485,000
Early-life Factors and Cancer Development Later in Life (R03 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Apply for PA 18 531

Funding Number: PA 18 531
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: $50,000
NIDCR Dual Degree Dentist Scientist Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00-Clinical Trial Required) Apply for PAR 18 432

Funding Number: PAR 18 432
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00) Apply for RFA CA 17 014

Funding Number: RFA CA 17 014
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Dynamic Interactions between Systemic or Non-Neuronal Systems and the Brain in Aging and in Alzheimers Disease (R01) Apply for PAR 17 029

Funding Number: PAR 17 029
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) - Specialized Center on Mouse Brain Cell Atlas (U01) Apply for RFA MH 17 230

Funding Number: RFA MH 17 230
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Education, Health, Income Security and Social Services
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Kidney Precision Medicine Project Central Hub (U2C) Apply for RFA DK 16 028

Funding Number: RFA DK 16 028
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Food and Nutrition, Health
Funding Amount: $1,700,000
NIDCR Small Research Grants for Secondary Analysis of FaceBase Data (R03) Apply for PAR 16 362

Funding Number: PAR 16 362
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Category: Health
Funding Amount: $200,000


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